高級コーヒーは上品すぎる?2022年11月02日 20:25

名古屋高岳のTrunk Coffeeのバリスタの方がジャパン・カップテイスターズのチャンピオンになったとのメールが届いたので、臨時の福袋を1週間前に発注しました。


・特級クラス:初代COEエチオピア 優勝ニグセ・ゲメダ・ムデ農園 NIGUSSIE GEMEDA MUDE / Ethiopia Natural

・特級クラス(マスターピース)⚡️IPR100 ナチュラルアナエロビック・ダテーラ"IPR100"




Is fine coffee too classy?

I ordered a temporary grab bag a week ago after receiving an email that the barista at Trunk Coffee in Takaoka, Nagoya, had won the Japan Cup Tasters' Champion.

It arrived yesterday.
Enclosed were the following four types.

Special Class: First COE Ethiopia Winner NIGUSSIE GEMEDA MUDE / Ethiopia Natural

Masterpiece ⚡️IPR100 Natural Anaerobic Datela "IPR100".

Two types of coffee flavored with fruits other than coffee in the fermentation tank.

Specialty class is indeed delicious and has few flaws, but I prefer a wilder taste. Regular specialty coffees are good enough for me.

If I can find a high quality Pacamara Natural, I will buy it even if it is expensive, because the flavor trends are completely different.