ElmerFEMでの電荷設定 ― 2023年01月02日 19:03
表面電荷は、"ElmerModelsManual"に記載されているように、BoundaryConditionのFree Text Inputに以下のように入力します。sifファイルを編集しても同じ結果となります。
Surface Charge Density
Real 1.5915e-9
Charge setting in ElmerFEM
A 2D model of the electric field distribution in a cylinder is performed by ElmerFEM.
The Cartesian coordinate system in the X-Y plane is calculated as Z=1[m] equivalent.
The total charge in the line or inside at r=0.01[m] is set to be 1e-10[C].
The surface charge is entered in the Free Text Input of the BoundaryCondition as described in the "ElmerModelsManual".
Surface Charge Density
Real 1.5915e-9
For the internal charge, enter the charge density in BodyForce.
The maximum field strength is 180[V/m], as determined by Gauss' law.
Both the field strength calculated from the surface charge and internal charge are almost equal to the value obtained from Gauss's law.